The Versatile Blogger Award!

Hi everyone and welcome to a slightly different post. I’ve been nominated by Arielle over at The Little Dismaid to take part in the Versatile Blogger Award!

The Rules:

  1. Share 7 facts about myself
  2. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award

To keep in the theme of my blog, most of these facts will be Disney related, so you can get to know me better as a Disney blogger. So here we go!

My 7 Facts

  1. My parents call me Twizzle, after the American liquorice, Twizzlers.
  2. I’ve been to Disneyland Paris 13 times, Walt Disney World 2 times, and this year will be my 2nd trip to Disneyland Resort. My parents have also been to Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney World once each before I was born. Disney literally runs through my blood.
  3. I’ve applied to work at the Disney Store twice, but I’ve only gotten as far as the one-on-one interview – yes, little introverted me got through the group interview! I’m not sure I’ll try again, but I would love to work for the Walt Disney Company in some form one day.
  4. I have a BA with honours from the University of Worcester in English and Media and Cultural Studies, and my dissertation was about death, dying and bereavement in Pixar’s Up.
  5. I have a box in my bedroom where I’m storing Disney photo frames, Disney plates, Disney dish towels and more for when me and my boyfriend get our own place. He’s going to hate how I decorate!
  6. I’m a really shy person, and I have anxiety too. Blogging is my way out of both, and even though I worry every time I post that no one’s going to read it, it’s still bringing me out of my shell in a way I never thought could happen.
  7. I don’t cut my hair, only maybe an inch every six months. It may seem like I’m going for a Rapunzel vibe, but the truth is this: when my Nan’s dementia got bad, all she used to tell me was that she liked my hair long. She wasn’t one to dish out compliments, and my hair was nowhere near as long as it is now when she said that, but because I know she liked it this way I can’t bear to cut it off. Before that, I would cut it down to a short bob every time I felt the urge, but now I just can’t even think about it.

I nominate…

  1. Jenny in Neverland
  2. Sophie Jo Writes
  3. Courtney Dory
  4. Aurora’s Chateau
  5. Golden Books Girl
  6. A Cup of Wonderland
  7. Lottie Does
  8. Disneyfind
  9. I Like It Sparkly
  10. Foundations and Fairytales
  11. Books for Shauna
  12. Natural Hazards and More
  13. The West Wing Lifestyle
  14. Disney Lin
  15. The Dole Whip Press

If any of you would like to take part in the tag, please let me know so I can read your facts! I have chosen you all because I love reading your blogs and I’m interested to see what facts you would choose to share!

If you’ve enjoyed this post, please link, comment or follow me to let me know I’m doing a good job. See ya real soon!

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18 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award!

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  1. This was so nice to read- it looks we have a lot in common with anxiety and introversion- and how blogging helps us with both of that. I’m jealous that you’ve been to Disneyland Paris so many times- we’re going for the first time in May! Thanks for the post, looking forward to reading more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for nominating me! Yeah, recently been diagnosed but they’re not doing much to help me so I have some really bad days. I hope you have an amazing time in Disneyland Paris! Let me know if you need any advice x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so jealous the amount of times you been to Disney! Ive never been but always wanted to go! Now I really want to read your dissertation!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thankyou so much for nominating me! I’m jealous of how many Disney trips you’ve been on and I also have loads of Disney stuff ready for when me and my fiancé move out, he keeps telling me I can’t have Disney all over the house but boy is he wrong!

    Jess xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If we get to go to Disney this year (I’m hoping to plan a December trip) I’ll be buying loads more as well! I’ll just keep adding bits to the house when he’s at work then pretend they’ve always been there!x

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well I said I want to save at least £100 a month to pay for the holiday and then I should have at least €700 spending money but that’s for food as well!x

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Omg same! He keeps telling me I’ve got too many cuddly toys too, as if that is even possible when they’re Disney ones haha!xx

        Liked by 1 person

      4. That’s the problem, I have seen loads that I really like but I wouldn’t be able to stop! Maybe I’ll get a Lanyard this time and just a few to go on that!x

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